Three days spent at Grain Belt Bottling House for the 2016 NE Art-A-Whirl, showing my pieces, sharing what they mean with kind listeners, watching people’s facial expressions relax, change and shift as they walked through the building, watching the hourly performance of the beautiful Borealis dance group. Bookended by Olympic style schlepping of pedestals and sculptures to and fro, it was physically and mentally demanding, exhausting, but also so rewarding. My sculpture set ‘Victorian Ghosts’ found a new home, and another sculpture will do so today. Thanks so much again to everyone who stopped by, chatted, listened, shared their own stories, and signed up for my mailing list. I will definitely be back at Art-A-Whirl next year. Also, now is the time to talk to me about a discount – I am offering most of my Art-A-Whirl sculptures for about $700